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anisio nogueira

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Os indemissíveis não estão nem aí

20 de Janeiro de 2017, 9:03, por O LADO ESCURO DA LUA



Artigo para O Estado de S. Paulo de 20/1/2017

Chamaram o exército…

Declara-se, como justificativa, que as Forças Armadas nacionais entram na parada “pela credibilidade” que os funcionários do sistema presidiário não têm. O presidente da Republica admite publicamente, portanto, que a “falta de credibilidade“, vulgo corrupção, desses “servidores” está na base da tomada das prisões pelo crime organizado que culminou nos massacres dos ultimos 20 dias, mas que é impotente para fazer qualquer coisa a respeito senão pedir vênia aos corruptos para coloca-los de lado, vez por outra, para tomar dos criminosos os telefones, as armas e as drogas que estes regularmente lhes servem nas celas.

A expectativa de eficácia dessa providência é, naturalmente, a mesma das outras “meias-solas” que vêm sendo anunciadas para “consertar a economia nacional” sem deter a hemorragia que a vai matando: essa que mantem…

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William deBuys: How to Hijack an Election

20 de Janeiro de 2017, 8:57, por O LADO ESCURO DA LUA

Vox Populi

Election Rigging 101

Donald Trump was right. The election was rigged. What Trump got wrong (and, boy, does he get things wrong) is that the rigging worked in his favor. The manipulations took three monumental forms: Russian cyber-sabotage; FBI meddling; and systematic Republican efforts, especially in swing states, to prevent minority citizens from casting votes. The cumulative effect was more than sufficient to shift the outcome in Trump’s favor and put the least qualified major-party candidate in the history of the republic into the White House.

Trumpist internet trolls and Trump himself dismiss such concerns as sour grapes, but for anyone who takes seriously the importance of operating a democracy these assaults on the nation’s core political process constitute threats to the country’s very being. Let’s look at each of these areas of electoral interference in detail.

Gone Phishing: The Drone of Info Warfare

Suppose one morning you receive an…

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Walking Cross-Town. Without lungs.

20 de Janeiro de 2017, 8:56, por O LADO ESCURO DA LUA

Live & Learn


4:52 am.
January 19th.
35° F, clear, calm.

Body parts functioning, check.
Smartphone in breast pocket, check.
ID building pass, check.
Nine minutes to first morning train, check.

I step out the door, insert key, turn, and lock the door. There’s a clop clop clop of footsteps on the street. I turn to see Runner. Male, wearing a Miner’s headlamp, his beam illuminating the road.

2003. That’s you. Up, pre dawn: 5 miles Tuesday. 7 miles Wednesday.  4 miles Friday. Hot shower. Off to work.

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South Indian Food Festival at Park Plaza !

20 de Janeiro de 2017, 8:54, por O LADO ESCURO DA LUA

Exploring Cuisines

​Park Plaza is geared up with their 10 day South Indian Food Festival which ends on 22nd January, 2017. The food festival will witness a perfect melange of gastronomical delight with a plethora of Southern flavours. The festival is taking place at their all day dining restaurant K-19. The lunch will be served on A-la-carte basis which starts from 12:30pm till 3:30pm while the dinner buffet is served from 7:30pm till 10:45pm

Master Chef Kannan brings alive the unforgettable flavours and life nurturing vitality of timeless South Indian recipes. The vast array of mouth watering dishes is accompanied by classic Carnatic instrumentals and an inviting ethnic ambience. The delicious Carnatic cuisine includes savoury delights like Kozhi charu, Chennai Meen Kolambhu, Nellai Kozhi Khorma, Gongura Mamisa Koora, Vendaikai More Kolambhu, Kathamba Sambar, Urulai Idicha Masala, Seenai Kal Varuval and desserts like Aval Payasam and much more interesting dishes. The dinner buffet…

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Senador “vidente” ou só mais uma “trágica coincidência”?? Sobre a morte de Teori Zawaski

20 de Janeiro de 2017, 5:44, por O LADO ESCURO DA LUA

Luíz Müller Blog

medeirosDo que estaria falando o tal Senador vidente em seu twitter, bem antes do fato acontecer ?  Cada um tire as suas conclusões. Eu tenho as minhas. Pra mim, forjar laudos deve ser mais fácil do que derrubar uma Presidenta eleita. Então, quem faz uma coisa, pode fazer outra, mais simples. De minha parte desconfio até hoje daquele “acidente” do Eduardo Campos.

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anisio nogueira

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