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anisio nogueira

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poemin do motorista embriagado

31 de Outubro de 2017, 20:34, por O LADO ESCURO DA LUA

O Galã da Sarjeta

“poeminha do motorista embriagado perseverante na idéia de retorno ao lar”

eu vou chegar
eu pretendo chegar
tomara que eu chegue
ah que bom se sesse eu chegar
quem dera tivesse chegado

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The Bolshevik Revolution: Introduction

31 de Outubro de 2017, 20:33, por O LADO ESCURO DA LUA

Bakunin Matata!

The purpose of this study is to spread awareness and education about one of the critical turning points in world history. The Bolshevik Revolution and the creation of the Soviet Union represent a major milestone to left-wing movements everywhere, as the262px-Soviet_Roundel Soviet Union was not only the first true socialist state but also the first attempt at forging a new socialist society. Compared to other revolutions, which merely saw one ruling class replaced with another, the Bolshevik Revolution offered a chance at total social upheaval, a clean break with the hierarchical and exploitative systems of feudalism and capitalism. In addition to revolutionaries, the Bolsheviks were pioneers exploring new territory, constructing a world to that point only imagined by academics, politicians, trade union activists and working class agitators. Marx and Engels provided thorough and scientific critiques of capitalism and called upon the workers of the world to unite, but they had…

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— Que mundos te guardem e te apartem de mim…

31 de Outubro de 2017, 20:32, por O LADO ESCURO DA LUA

O Outro Lado


A casa, à noite, era iluminada pelas lamparinas e o céu, de tão estrelado para iluminar os campos e os vaga-lumes inspiravam poesia. Não dava para ler – ou até dava, se conseguisse driblar o olho atento da mãe. O lampião veio anos mais tarde.
Contava as horas para amanhecer e devorar os livros ou escrever.

Criei um desvio para atravessar a ponte e ir além da colina. A escola foi feita no alto do morro. Ali, as crianças das fazendas vizinhas eram beneficiadas pelo invento que meu pai criara – construíra a casinha no alto da colina para que nada atrapalhasse os estudos – e a professora viera da cidade. O olho atento para os filhos do dono da escola. O cheiro dos cadernos criados por minha mãe e o descampado que mostrava lá embaixo o capim dourado a colorir a paisagem.

Todo objeto queria virar gente na minha…

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31 de Outubro de 2017, 20:31, por O LADO ESCURO DA LUA


Quisiera escribir, con la facilidad que lo hacía antes.

Dejarme llevar por las letras y que mis dedos se deslicen al compás de los trazos, que nada obstruya el nacimiento de los sentimientos hacia mi fuente de creatividad.

Quisiera saber qué me atormenta, entender cuál es la razón de mi sequía.

Para poder desbordar mis ríos de imaginación, llenar mi cabeza con historias y mundos por descubrír.

Soy más fuerte que este bloqueo, lo sé. Quizá solo quiero descansar.

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Civil Inattention

31 de Outubro de 2017, 20:29, por O LADO ESCURO DA LUA

The Spiral Staircase

Here’s another interesting tidbit from Anthony Giddens’ book The Consequences of Modernity, which is the subject of a series of book blogs I’ve been writing. In his discussion of disembedding mechanisms, he introduces the idea of civil inattention (from Goffman, actually). This has partly to do with presence or absence (including inattention) in both public and private settings where face-to-face contact used to be the only option but modern technologies have opened up the possibility of faceless interactions over distance, such as with the telegraph and telephone. More recently, the face has been reintroduced with videoconferencing, but nonverbal cues such as body language are largely missing; the fullness of communication remains attenuated. All manner of virtual or telepresence are in fact cheap facsimiles of true presence and the social cohesion and trust enabled by what Giddens calls facework commitments. Of course, we delude ourselves that interconnectivity mediated by electronics…

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anisio nogueira

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