4 de Dezembro de 2016, 7:53He dips His brush
into the light of winter
and paints naked trees on water
and the world trembles in the wind:
the Painter loves December.
He is the Master of illusions
and children guided by emotions
ask themselves questions like
How do clouds float in the sky?
Why do we have to die?
But He holds their little lives
in the cold palm of His hand.
How could they understand?
Le Pinceau © 2016 – F.G.M.
Kevin’s poetry to be read on Vancouver Co-op Radio
4 de Dezembro de 2016, 7:52I was delighted to learn that Ariadne, from Vancouver Co-op Radio (, has kindly agreed to read one of my poems, during her programme, which airs between 1-2 pm on Thursday 8 December. Ariadne presents the World Poetry Reading Series (, a regular feature on Vancouver Co-op Radio. I am grateful to Ariadne and Vancouver Co-op Radio for this opportunity.
I will, at a later date be interviewed by Ariadne on her programme. Once details are known I will post them here.
Being Nice
4 de Dezembro de 2016, 7:47It’s always so much nicer
being nice throughout a day
Instead of being horrid
(That’s what I think anyway)
It’s always rather better
to wear a smile upon your face
Instead of being grumpy
and just moping ‘round the place
And to say a cheery word
like ‘Good Morning’ or ‘Hello’
is really rather better
than a sullen frown you know
And as it eats away inside
when you are spiteful or unkind
It’s almost a no brainer
to instead bring peace of mind
So this is way my poems
always find bright things to say
As it’s just a little method
to help me brighten up your day
Photo – some lovely roses – Jempics
Frau Merkel
3 de Dezembro de 2016, 21:47No momento em que a Humanidade se confronta com a crua realidade de se descobrir nessa permanente guerra que por muito tempo se negou, nesse silêncio amplamente quebrado por notícias de última hora e avisos de que uma bomba matou um anónimo mais em nome de ninguém que não algo material sem causa ou razão, no instante em que o feminismo se transmuta para ser igualdade sem género ou trejeito de fragilidade, no balanço da transformação Europeia em que a crítica se faz pela incapacidade em agradar às minorias feitas voz maioritárias surge na discórdia esse acto único que (re)define toda a carreira pública de alguém.
O título não deixa escape ilusório, muito menos a longa e extensa introdução. Falta agora dizer o porquê.
Frau Merkel, ser inexorável e injustificado, dona e merecedora de inúmeras críticas fortes e justas sobre um percurso político complexo defendendo a uma Alemanha possante…
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