A mother and her children wade across a
28 de Setembro de 2016, 8:05A mother and her children wade across a river to escape US bombing, 1965 http://ow.ly/SKBJ304DTcw
Unidade: nossa principal arma contra o golpe
28 de Setembro de 2016, 7:46Ricardo Gebrim*
A classe dominante aposta na permanente fragmentação das forças populares. Ao longo do enfrentamento ao cerco político conservador que produziu o golpe contra a presidenta Dilma, nossa maior conquista organizativa foi a Frente Brasil Popular. Mais uma vez, a atual geração de lutadores pôde comprovar o ensinamento de que a unidade é mais poderosa arma de um povo em luta. Essa geração constatou que os meios de comunicação têm consciência do perigo que representa a unificação nacional das lutas. Que juntos não dispersamos energias e potencializamos nossa força.
A “Frente Farabundo Martí de Libertação Nacional”, em El Salvador, e a “Frente Ampla”, no Uruguai, constituem os dois casos bem-sucedidos de frentes políticas das forças de esquerda, com caráter estratégico, na América Latina.
Na história do Brasil, temos uma preciosa experiência de construção de uma Frente, na década de 1930, com a Aliança Nacional Libertadora. Criada para lutar contra…
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This too shall pass.
28 de Setembro de 2016, 7:43A father in his deathbed handed a closed envelope to his son and said,
“You shall open it when you’ll feel you have no way out of a situation.”
His son had a lot of struggles during his life, but he didn’t open it, until he came upon a very hard situation and thought his father’s gift may help him. When he opened it, he was amazed that there was just a short written note, “This too shall pass.”
Isn’t that true? If we look back at our lives, does our previous struggles seem meaningless now? Will our current struggles mean the same in the future?
This short story and short phrase is just a reminder to myself and You. Embrace the day!
An Interview with Poet Christy Birmingham
27 de Setembro de 2016, 19:17DOING ALL RIGHT WITH MY NEW GOAL
I told you I was going to try and post one blog per week and by golly, so far I’m doing it. Coincidentally, I’m busier than I’ve ever been, but I’m determined to get this blog out once a week and, well, here I am again, invading your privacy and demanding attention, like that obnoxious little kid at school who wouldn’t leave you alone, him in 2nd grade, you in 5th, and all you want to do is play soccer with your friends, but the little kid keeps tugging on your pants, demanding you play with him….sheez…leave me alone, kid, you scream, but it does no good and here he is again….
I think we better move on to a quote so I can catch my breath….and after the quote, we have a new interview with one of my favorite…
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