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Wassily Kandinsky – Google Doodle – 12/04/2012

3 de Dezembro de 2012, 22:00 , por Desconhecido - 0sem comentários ainda | No one following this article yet.
Visualizado 138 vezes

The Google Doodle homepage today commemorate for the 146th birthday of Wassily Kandinsky.


Wassily Kandinsky's 146th Birtday. Courtesy of the Estate of Wassily Kaninsky/ARS.

Wassily Kandinsky - Google Doodle - 12-04-2012
Credit: Google

About Wassily Kandinsky from wikipedia:

He was an influential Russian artist and painter, he was born in Russia, Moscow on December 4, 1866 and passed away on December 13, 1944. In art circles Wassily Kandinsky will always be remembered as the father of modern abstract art as he is credited as the first painter to paint purely abstract works. In his early life in Moscow he studied Economics and Law Successful in his profession—he was offered a professorship (chair of Roman Law) at the University of Dorpat—he began painting studies (life-drawing, sketching and anatomy) at the age of 30.

Wassily Kandinsky Fugue
Credit: englishrussia
2nd Most Expensive Paintings By Russian Artists
Wassily Kandinsky — 22.9 million dollars.
Fugue, 1914 (Sotheby’s, 1990)
This painting is exposed in a private museum in Switzerland and each person can enjoy it. It was lucky to skip the time when auctions were filled with reckless Russian buyers purchasing paintings for their private collections to never show them anyone.


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