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Hostel Hopping in Europe: How to Stay For Free

11 de Agosto de 2014, 18:34 , por Desconhecido - 0sem comentários ainda | No one following this article yet.
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Originally posted on A Wandering Nomad:

“Not all those who wander are lost.”


Before arriving in Tblisi, the capital of Georgia, I checked hostel prices only to find that they were quite a lot more than they had been in India. Though ten to fifteen dollars a night may not seem like a lot in the west, when you are use to living our of your tent (for free), or in a two dollar a night guest house, it’s hard to imagine spending that much. I decided to email a half dozen hostels with a proposal. In return for a free room, Kevin and I would work a few hours a day (cleaning, checking people in, or doing whatever else is needed). Much to my surprise I got two different places saying sure, we can work something out, come on over.

So that’s how we ended up for a week at Cozy Hostel in the…

View original 360 more words


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