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Tela cheia

Melancholy, USA

21 de Junho de 2014, 18:16 , por Desconhecido - 0sem comentários ainda | No one following this article yet.
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Originally posted on Edward Hotspur:

That’s the feeling. Melancholy. Sort of a mixture of nostalgia, memories, sadness, pain, and a sprinkling of fondness.

Does it mock the past, laughing at it, dancing around it in a circle? Or does it sympathize with the past, hugging it and telling it everything will be okay?

Is it a song (because melancholy and music go together like happiness and music) that you listened to while you were alone? Or while you were around other people and just felt alone?

Is it the typical Smiths or Cure songs, or that one obscure song that is horrible out of context, or in a bunch of other songs, but has that certain meaning for you? A song that you otherwise wouldn’t have listened to, but happened to be on while something was happening?

Were you driving while it was on? Or parked? Otherwise in a car? That is often the case…

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