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Tela cheia


6 de Novembro de 2014, 15:14 , por Desconhecido - 0sem comentários ainda | No one following this article yet.
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Originally posted on Eye on Romania | Ochiul pe România:

I get some mighty strange emails sometimes, even including the odd spam in the Romanian language, but today I got an unusual missive.

It was one of those “chain” emails, where someone forwards it to someone else and then they forward it to someone else and then they forward it to you. I certainly get chain emails from time to time but what’s odd about this one is that it is about British life.

I say that’s “odd” because very few people know that I lived in England during the early 1980s. I don’t usually talk about it simply because it’s boring. It’s far more exotic and interesting to talk about my life when I was in Israel or Yugoslavia.

Nonetheless, this chain email, whether sent to me intentionally or not, is so incredibly incorrect that I became inspired to write a post about it.

By the way, the topic…

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