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jryu: (via Burger King Japan’s newest hamburger is a black...

13 de Outubro de 2013, 9:04 , por Desconhecido - 0sem comentários ainda | No one following this article yet.
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(via Burger King Japan’s newest hamburger is a black ninja with a bacon tongue – Quartz)

How does a fast food chain fashion a ninja out of a burger? First, naturally, by blackening the bun. This is achieved not by leaving the toaster on too long, but by coloring the dough with bamboo charcoal. BK’s approximation of a ninja tongue is a long slab of bacon flopping lewdly out of the burger (again, we’re baffled by the idea that long tongues are typical of ninjas.) The rest is a hash brown patty and the regular fixings, topped off with Chaliapin sauce (named after a Russian opera singer), as RocketNews24 explains. As of October 25, Kuro Ninja can be had for ¥680 ($6.93).


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