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Blog metalogis

3 de Abril de 2011, 21:00 , por Desconhecido - | No one following this article yet.

Doom’s day tour

20 de Novembro de 2016, 12:34, por metalogis
Doom’s day tour

hoodoothatvoodoo: Anita Ekberg, photo by Georg Oddner, 1953

20 de Novembro de 2016, 12:26, por metalogis
hoodoothatvoodoo : Anita Ekberg, photo by Georg Oddner, 1953

What if…WE END MATERIAL SCARCITY?It’s surprisingly hard...

20 de Novembro de 2016, 12:25, por metalogis
What if… WE END MATERIAL SCARCITY? It’s surprisingly hard to imagine a world without scarcity. When we think about the end of material needs, it’s usually our own, says John Quiggin, an economist at the University of Queensland in Brisbane, Australia. But what about everyone’s needs? “Scarcity is the basis of our fundamental economic system,” ...

liyart:I saw a bunch of these floating around and wanted to try...

18 de Novembro de 2016, 17:54, por metalogis
liyart : I saw a bunch of these floating around and wanted to try it too :x


18 de Novembro de 2016, 17:53, por metalogis
liyart : Casca

Tags deste artigo: blog politica filosofia direito sociedade liberdade