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anisio nogueira

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3 de Abril de 2011, 21:00 , por Desconhecido - | No one following this article yet.

Pics #day220 – The Dark Room

31 de Janeiro de 2017, 15:23, por O LADO ESCURO DA LUA

Michel Radtke Fotografia

20161126__Bolsa do Café__0085.jpg
Olá, amigos!

Uma fotografia um pouco “dark” hoje. Estou pensando em um projeto que envolva esse tipo de imagens, porém, mais “dark” ainda.

Até breve,


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Cats Gone Bad

31 de Janeiro de 2017, 15:22, por O LADO ESCURO DA LUA

Technical matters are best left to skilled tradesmen

31 de Janeiro de 2017, 15:15, por O LADO ESCURO DA LUA

Tallis Steelyard

(c) Falmouth Art Gallery; Supplied by The Public Catalogue Foundation

I confess I rarely have many dealings with erotic novelists. This isn’t snobbery on my part, it’s just they tend to be so much more generously remunerated than a mere poet. Still I do have a friend who is renown within the genre. I was going through a poorly remunerated period when he bumped into me.

“I say old fellow, do me a favour will you? I’ve got a book launch and really need somebody reliable behind the bar.”

It may come as a shock to people who think they know me but I’m very reliable when working, rarely drinking to excess. So I’m occasionally called upon by friends who need somebody sober to watch their back.

In this case the book launch was in the rather nice house of one of my friend’s patrons. Apparently her husband was going to some function related to work and wouldn’t be back…

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Advertisers Aren’t As Powerful As We Think 

31 de Janeiro de 2017, 15:14, por O LADO ESCURO DA LUA


Source: The Mises Institute, by Ryan McMaken 

With Super Bowl Sunday nearly upon us, we’re once again hearing about all the high-priced television ads scheduled for the event that will amuse and influence us while convincing us to buy the advertisers’ products. For many people, football has even become secondary to the advertisements.

Many viewers may indeed by amused by the advertisements. There is a problem for the advertisers, though. It’s unclear that the ads will actually do much to convince viewers to buy the featured products.

There is growing evidence, it seems, that suggests the under-thirty demographic simply doesn’t respond to advertisements, and that brand loyalty is becoming virtually non-existent in an age when consumers rely more and more on third-party evaluators such as Yelp and Amazon to provide insight into whether or not a product is worth one’s time and money.

Many of these discussions about how ads…

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La Bruma

31 de Janeiro de 2017, 15:13, por O LADO ESCURO DA LUA

Letras & Poesía

Letras, letras sin más, surgen de mi mente a raudales, buscando orden y lugar, buscando un significado que encerrar. ¿Cómo puedo ponerle cerco a un significado si no puedo definirme a mí mismo? Estoy rodeado por una bruma espesa que se aferra a mí, me asfixia. Arrastrado por la turbulencia monocromática de esta sombría sensación no distingo la luz de la sombra, todo yace cubierto por una capa de polvo espesa que entra a través de mis ojos y cubre mi interior. Todo se siente tan apacible y oxidado, como si el reloj del tiempo que rige la vida se hubiera atorado, aislándome de todo y cubriéndome de nada.

El tiempo se escurre en el reloj con una pasmosa calma, un presentimiento de fatalidad se cierne sobre mí; las cosas no son como se supone que sean, el mundo brilla con colores desteñidos, pálidos. Su magia destella con debilidad mientras…

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