As a global network covering all continents, RIPESS is uniquely placed to undertake advocacy at different levels from local communities to international institutions, to ensure the promotion of SSE for sustainable, inclusive and transformative development from local to global levels.
Together with our members and international partners, we are working to raise the voice of SSE in international arenas, and to enhance cooperation between States and SSE networks and actors to support the construction of ecosystems that promote SSE development as the alternative development model, driven by the needs of peoples and communities, and the protection of our planet.
See also crosscutting information and RIPESS articles:
- RIPESS international advocacy activities carried out in 2021
- History of RIPESS international advocacy work for the promotion of SSE
- RIPESS information linked to legal and institutional recognition of SSE, SDG agenda 2030, and Food sovereignty advocacy work.
- RIPESS webinar on the co-construction of SSE Public Policies from local to global – See HERE
RIPESS international advocacy work in international arenas
We are leading the construction of SSE support ecosystems in different international arenas jointly with the continental and thematic member networks. This includes:
The UN Inter-Agency Task Force on SSE (UNTFSSE)
RIPESS has been participating in the UN Inter-Agency Task Force on SSE as an observer since its creation in 2013. We work side by side with UN Agencies and other international SSE networks to strengthen the SSE agenda in discussions and policy building at global level.
RIPESS has been closely involved with the initiative since the start of this process in 2019, and is co-moderating the working group on governance together with the French State Secretariat for SSE.
The Global Social Economy Forum (GSEF)
RIPESS is a member of GSEF and vice versa, and we working together to promote intense cooperation between social economy organizations and local governments. RIPESS has been actively present in all GSEF forums, has participated in the organising committees from the first one in Seoul to the most recent one in 2021 in México.
As an observer member in the Economic and Social Council, we have been advocating in the different sessions of the HLPF (through the NGO constituency) urging for the need to include SSE in international strategies for the realisation of the Sustainable Development Goals. We are also working to ensure the inclusion of SSE in Voluntary National Reviews (VNR) presented by the Member States.
-Other international arenas
RIPESS is also sharing priorities and strategies in many other crosscutting international arenas such as the Global Platform for the Right to the City or the World Forum on Local Economic Development, and in many more thematic/sectorial focused arenas, related to SDGs, such as Food sovereignty and agroecology, Social Protection, Climate, Gender, (Fair) Trade, Ethical finance, Territorial development, Migration, etc.
Specifically linked to Food sovereignty, a particular emphasis is placed on the Civil Society and Indigenous People’s Mechanism of the UN Committee on Food Security, where policy for food and agriculture are developed. This work is carried out in conjunction with the International Planning Committee for Food Sovereignty (IPC), a strategic platform for the food sovereignty social movement that includes Urgenci, the sectorial member of RIPESS for this topic. This work carries over into continental and national work. Solidarity economy is one of the 10 Elements of Agroecology recognised by FAO, and is a key element in the Covid-19 Task Teamwork.
Subregional RIPESS SSE continental networks’ advocacy work
RIPESS supports the reinforcement and articulation of subregional advocacy strategies carried out by its continental member networks to build and promote subregional environments for and with national impact, in particular in National RIPESS SSE networks.
Each continental/subregional SSE network is active in specific subregional arenas in Asia, Africa, Latin America and Europe to promote SSE and favourable SSE ecosystems.
For instance, in the case of Europe: RIPESS Europe has also been increasingly working to ensure that solidarity economy is present in both the proposed Green Deal and Farm to Fork legislation.
By July Hernández
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