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Economia Social Solidária no mundo

Agosto 20, 2013 7:33 , by daniel tygel - | No one following this article yet.
Notícias da economia social solidária recolhidas da RIPESS - Rede Intercontinental de Promoção da Economia Social Solidária, que por sua vez agrupa notícias de mais de 60 sites web nos 5 continentes. Site: http://ripess.org.

Neo liberalism and The Production of Living Knowledge

Agosto 17, 2013 8:51, by Unknown - 0no comments yet

Gigi Roggero: The Production of Living Knowledge: The Crisis of the University and the Transformation of Labor in Europe and North America Translated by Enda Brophy, Temple University Press, Philadelphia, 2011. 194pp., $69.50 HB. ISBN 9781439905739 Reviewed by Dave Mesing Marx & Philosophy Review of Books July 26, 2013 – After the death of neoliberal

This article's tags: economia solidária solidarity economy social economy economie sociale economie solidaire