Letter of support from (XXXXXXXXXX -organization) in solidarity with the signature´s campaign from Occupied Factory Flaskô, Brazil, under workers control for 11 years
The organization... XXXX , comes through this, present your support through factory under workers control called Flasko, to convence a public hearing in the Senate to discuss the expropriation of the factory, from the perspective of nationalization under workers' control campaign.
Occupied Factory Flaskô presented the bill in the Senate (PLS 257/12) to declare Flaskô social interest, for purposes of expropriation. Along with it, we have the PLS 469/2012 , which provides for the expropriation any factory occupied by workers (which is also being stopped by the bourgeois and reformists) .
To better understand them, look at http://www.fabricasocupadas.org.br/estatizar/?page_id=115
The PLS 257/12 is in the CCJ (Commission of Constitution and Justice) since 2012. The senators seem to be deadlocked because its constitutionality are probably approved , the project can be approved immediately. But if they deny, face the Human Rights Commission, which approved it was unanimously, with a important vote from the Reporter ( Senator Eduardo Suplicy - PT/SP) well reasoned opinion on its constitutionality .
Therefore, in the logic of the bourgeois, it is much better roll up and wait until the legislature ( Dec/2014 ) , because then the project is closed and needs new presentation . Not to depend on it , correctly, Occupied Factory Flaskô used an instrument of Participative Legislation Committee of the Senate , created in January 2014 , which requires a public hearing in the Senate theme / proposal submitted by any civil association , since are able to get 10,000 virtual signatures (at link below ) within 90 days.
Workers have until June 17 to get the 10,000 signatures. We must sympathize with the workers and be added to the campaign, helping to collect signatures , riding local and regional committees , ensuring that the stroke order .
In one week there have been more than 700 signatures. It will be a great battle!
The procedure for signing follows :
After the registration of your support, you will automatically receive an e- mail validation . If you do not receive in the coming hours, two situations may have occurred :
1 ) The email is retained in the electronic trash for your account ;
2 ) The email was considered spam by your ISP .
In this case , please contact the support channels from your provider. For your support is accounted for is essential that the link in the e - mail address is validated. Or, just make a new firm.
We have all supporters, especially using the social networks to ensure the same, but we really need your help, telling yours comrades to make the same, collecting more firms.
We ask for your solidarity!
It is necessary to conduct a formal proceeding to secure the signature! Please make this with a lot of attention to ensure that it becomes effective.
Greetings from the international struggle,
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