Software Freedom Day Sep. 17th 2011
13 de Setembro de 2011, 20:31 - sem comentários aindaSoftware Freedom Day is a worldwide celebration of Free and Open Source Software (FOSS). The goal in this celebration is to educate the worldwide public about the benefits of using high quality FOSS in education, in government, at home, and in business — in short, everywhere! The non-profit organization Software Freedom International coordinates SFD at a global level, providing support, giveaways and a point of collaboration, but volunteer teams around the world organize the local SFD events to impact their own communities.
- Find out more about Software Freedom International and SFD.
- Read about how Software Freedom underpins your human rights from our former President, Pia Waugh
- Also find out more about Free Software.
Happy Debian Day and Thank You!
16 de Agosto de 2011, 9:08 - sem comentários aindaOn August 16th we cellebrate Debian’s birthday, a.k.a Debian Day, a.k.a Debian Appreciation Day!
We thank all Debian developers, package maintainers, translators, web site collaborators, sysadmins (yeahh), and evangelists (yeahh)!
Debian is a complete free software solution for home and business alike, the source of many other GNU/Linux distribuitions.
Thank you Debian!
Zabbix CEO, Alexei Vladishev at Porto Alegre
10 de Julho de 2011, 11:32 - sem comentários aindaAlexei Vladishev, creator of Zabbix monitoring tool, CEO of Zabbix SIA, was a keynote speaker at FISL 12, held at Porto Alegre, June 29th through July 2nd 2011, and extended his stay the following week, giving 2 courses: Zabbix Certified Specialist and Zabbix for Large Environments, and I took both. It’s something else learning from the developer himself. And Alexei is good in passing on his knowledge. One thing that caught my attention is Alexei’s commitment to keeping it FOSS, and not rely on non-free software, and depend the least on other software.
II São Paulo Perl Workshop, I Was There!
10 de Maio de 2011, 13:00 - sem comentários ainda
Larry Wall (and wife Gloria), creator of Perl language, speaker at II São Paulo Perl Workshop, on May, 7th 2011.
I had the opportunity to participate of the II São Paulo Perl Workshop. It was a unique occasion to meet key people of Free Software and Perl gurus, Larry Wall, brian d foy and Brad Fitzpatrick. On the brazillian team of speakers were Alexei “Russo” Znamensky, Rodrigo Campos, André Garcia, Thiago Rondon, Vagner Diniz e Eden Cardim.
Brad started the event, presenting his project Camlistore, a layered storage for local/cloud C.A.S. objects. Brian presented Perl’s development infrastructure surrounding CPAN, revigorating for all current and future contributors.
Larry made a brilliant and humored presentation comprehending Perl’s history, philosophy and culture, passing through Perl 6 basics and current status. Larry is a gifted human being, not only technically skilled, but has a witty and humored personality, a keen eye on human aspects of technology. He is someone not scared nor distant of people. And a unexpected bonus, at least for me, Larry’s wife, Gloria! She is an extrovert and happy person, sure a good match for Mr. Larry. Some “Perl’s First Lady”.

Larry Wall, signing and stamping atender's credentials during II São Paulo Perl Workshop, on May, 7th 2011
A grand finale was awaiting us, when Larry picked his autograph hungry fan’s kit, 2 stamps for enhenced autograph experience, one a “Programming Perl“‘s camel and the other with Perl’s motte “There’s More Than One Way to Do It!“. Got camel?
More pictures of the event by wallace_reis;
Congratulations São Paulo Perl Mongers!

Brian d foy, founder of PerlMongers, maintainer of CPAN, author of Perl books, speaker at II São Paulo Perl Workshop.

Brad Fitzpatrick, Creator of LiveJounal, Danga Interactive, speaker at II São Paulo Perl Workshop, May, 7th 2011. Some face Joner!
Mapa para II São Paulo Perl Workshop e Hoteis Baratos
4 de Maio de 2011, 15:08 - sem comentários aindaPreparei um mapa com o evento II São Paulo Perl Workshop ao centro, com diversos hoteis com preços acessíveis assinalados (localizados pela internet, sem nenhuma validação maior sobre a qualidade ou preços efetivos, girando entre R$ 50 e R$150).
Veja o mapa “Hoteis SP entre Aeroporto Congonhas e Evento São Paulo Perl Workshop” (Espaço AMB) no Google Maps.
Map to “Hotels near Congonhas Airport and II São Paulo Perl Workshop Event” (Espaço AMB) on Google Maps.
QRCode com link para o mapa: