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II São Paulo Perl Workshop, I Was There!

10 de Maio de 2011, 13:00 , por Desconhecido - 0sem comentários ainda | No one following this article yet.
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Picture of Larry Wal and Wife during 2nd São Paulo Perl Workshop

Larry Wall (and wife Gloria), creator of Perl language, speaker at II São Paulo Perl Workshop, on May, 7th 2011.

I had the opportunity to participate of the II São Paulo Perl Workshop. It was a unique occasion to meet key people of Free Software and Perl gurus, Larry Wall, brian d foy and Brad Fitzpatrick. On the brazillian team of speakers were Alexei “Russo” Znamensky, Rodrigo Campos, André Garcia, Thiago Rondon, Vagner Diniz e Eden Cardim.

Brad started the event, presenting his project Camlistore, a layered storage for local/cloud C.A.S. objects. Brian presented Perl’s development infrastructure surrounding CPAN, revigorating for all current and future contributors.

Larry made a brilliant and humored presentation comprehending Perl’s history, philosophy and culture, passing through Perl 6 basics and current status. Larry is a gifted human being, not only technically skilled, but has a witty and humored personality, a keen eye on human aspects of technology. He is someone not scared nor distant of people. And a unexpected bonus, at least for me, Larry’s wife, Gloria! She is an extrovert and happy person, sure a good match for Mr. Larry. Some “Perl’s First Lady”.

Picture of Larry Wall signing authographs and perl themed stamps

Larry Wall, signing and stamping atender's credentials during II São Paulo Perl Workshop, on May, 7th 2011

A grand finale was awaiting us, when Larry picked his autograph hungry fan’s kit, 2 stamps for enhenced autograph experience, one a Programming Perl“‘s camel and the other with Perl’s motte There’s More Than One Way to Do It!. Got camel?

More pictures of the event by wallace_reis;

Congratulations São Paulo Perl Mongers!

Picture of brian d foy, during 2nd São Paulo Perl Workshop

Brian d foy, founder of PerlMongers, maintainer of CPAN, author of Perl books, speaker at II São Paulo Perl Workshop.

Picture of Brad Fitzpatrick at 2nd São Paulo Perl Workshop, May, 7th 2011

Brad Fitzpatrick, Creator of LiveJounal, Danga Interactive, speaker at II São Paulo Perl Workshop, May, 7th 2011. Some face Joner!


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