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Debian Appreciation Day

16 de Agosto de 2010, 18:39 , por Desconhecido - 0sem comentários ainda | No one following this article yet.
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Congratulations all Debian Community and specially Debian Developers and contributors on this important day for Free and Open Source Software.

On August 16th of 1993, Ian Murdock made a news announcement at Usenet about the creation of “Debian Linux Distribution” (later evolved to “Debian Project”). The Debian Project was reponsible not only for the creation of a great GNU/Linux software distribution, but also for the creation of the Debian Free Software GuidelinesDFSG (used by Open Source Initiative to create the “The Open Source Definition“), and the Debian Social Contract where it stablishes de principles of a FOSS community, including de DFSG itself.

Take some time and show your appreciation too at the

Read the original news announcement “New release under development; suggestions requested“.

Read more about Debian History.


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