Join Blogoosfero!
Blogoosfero is a social network of bloggers that fosters the free production and sharing of content as a means of expressing freedom of speech at in internet! Sign up and participate!
Create your new blog
Did you always want to have a place in the internet to create your personal or institutional blog in an easy, secure and autonomous way? You can do it now, without limits of storage space of ammount of blogs per user.
Migrate from your old blog
If you already have a blog somewhere else and want to migrate to Blogoosfero, or if you just want to share your posts in our network, learn how to clone your blog at Blogoosfero.
Join communities
Do you want a collective blog to debate your country issues with freedom? Spread your posts and opinions? Or yet another place to bring together people for an event? Create or join one of our communities and make it happen!
Invite friends
Help advertising Blogoosfero, inviting friends from your e-mail contact list. It's very simple: just click here (or at the image beside tihs paragraph) and follow the instructions. Just remember that you have to register first. ;-)
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